never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fantasy baseball first principles and mission statement

(I'm going to start assembling an auction / contract rule set here over the next few weeks. Please help with suggestions, etc., but first, I want to establish a mission statement, a sort of guiding light.)

Fantasy baseball is:

1. Fun. We should have fun. This should mean balanced, so that our interests get kept during the year as well as during the off-season. But this also means rewarding, so we're not content with just idling by.

2. Simple. The basic rules should be explicable to anyone in short sentences (save math equations).

3. Not arbitrary. There are some things that will always be arbitrary: positions, roster size, DL slots, stats. These are things we agree to because of general consensus--"two DL slots feels right." Where possible, we should avoid this outside of the above mentioned wrinkles, which are rules passed down to us by yahoo!, not god.

4. Rewarding to the finder of the diamond in the rough. This encourages us to be our own truffle sows. We are dorks who value that sort of thing, so that value is reflected in our having a keeper/contract league.

5. But not apotheosizing of him. Being smart/lucky once and riding it to senility is not something we want to reward. We want to encourage continued truffle snuffling. As such, keepers/contracts are limited in some way.

As such, the auction should be fun, simple, not arbitrary, rewarding to the finder of the diamond in the rough, but not making him king of men.

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