never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut

Monday, February 12, 2007

Am I the only one?

So, I think that the scene in Singles (1992) where Steve is lying on the floor of his trashed apartment listening to jazz and staring up at the ceiling is a direct quote from the scene in Mo Better Blues (1990) when Denzel loses his ability to play jazz ands is doing the same. Can someone confirm or deny this?


ptb said...

i dunno. i haven't seen either in so long that i can't think of the scenes in question. i am only writing this comment so i can segue (segway?) into discussion about how the movie version of Clockers is either drastically underrated or just terrible, which is a shame. Wire fans: clockers is just like the wire, except actually set in 1992, instead of just fake-set in 1992.

Moacir said...

I'm surprised more people here other than ben have seen both movies.

ptb said...

further wire commentary: this shit in the middle of season 3 with McNulty and the weird bug-eyed lobbyist chick is really stretching it. and it's not like i am not just sitting there rooting for mcnulty to continue being mcnulty, because i am. i mean, come on, he fucking stalked her, followed her to a different city, and she's like "oh, word, let's have sex again." come on. also, she's not *supposed* to be like, craniofacially speaking, hot right? because she is mostly frightening.

Moacir said...

McNulty loves to FUCK THE MACHINE.

She is a cog in the machine. They always are. It's part of why he has so much hate--he thinks he can undo electoral injustice with his wii.